Forecast Report: French Anti-Far-Right Protests

The dissolution of the French Parliament and subsequent reelections has resulted in frequent disruptive anti-far-right protests throughout France, expected to continue at least through July 7.

On June 9, French President Emmanuel Macron announced he was dissolving parliament, and terminating the lower house of the French Parliament, moving forward with the election process. Since then, protests have erupted across the country, with many in urban centers devolving into clashes with authorities. Demonstrations are likely to continue in the coming days in the lead-up to the snap elections and may persist in the coming weeks depending on the outcome.

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SafeAbroad Forecast Reports offer essential insights for international education programs, providing proactive guidance to anticipate and manage anticipated risks associated with global travel and study abroad operations. These reports serve as dynamic tools for strategic planning, equipping program managers with the foresight needed to navigate the ever-changing global landscape effectively. By leveraging these forecasts, programs can implement preemptive measures, thus ensuring the success of education abroad initiatives and cultivating a secure environment for travelers.

Our Analysts meticulously gather intelligence from diverse sources, including governmental entities, media outlets, and local contacts, covering a wide spectrum of topics, including geopolitical tensions, holidays, events, crime trends, and environmental hazards. Through rigorous analysis, SafeAbroad analysts provide a detailed forecast of potential risks in specific countries or regions, accompanied by actionable recommendations for traveler safety. 

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