Sam Parker

Sam is an Intelligence Analyst and an Internal Projects Lead at SafeAbroad. He works in coordination with the rest of the SafeAbroad team to ensure that client work and major projects, such as the 2024 SafeAbroad Annual Risk Forecast, are completed in a timely manner with a high degree of quality. Sam graduated from the University of Denver in 2023 with a B.A. in International Studies with double minors in History and Political Science before joining SafeAbroad. Sam plans to gain valuable experience at SafeAbroad before pursuing a graduate degree in International Relations.

On May 1, expect travel disruptions in cities worldwide as International Workers’ Day takes place.

On May 1, expect mass demonstrations to take place in urban centers across the globe as many countries celebrate International Workers’ Day. While demonstrations should remain relatively calm, some will also secondarily function as protests with general demands for improved working conditions. The day is celebrated by over 160 nations worldwide.

In the coming weeks, major travel disruptions will be expected throughout much of Taiwan due to an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 that occurred on the morning of April 3.

At roughly 8:00 AM, April 3, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred near Hualien City, Taiwan, with multiple aftershocks and tsunami warnings which have since been cancelled. 9 deaths and 934 injuries have been reported, although these should be expected to rise. Additionally, at least 150 are trapped, but alive, inside buildings. This is Taiwan’s strongest earthquake event in 25 years.

Over the coming days, expect heightened security and travel disruptions in several neighborhoods across Amsterdam in the Netherlands due to a series of explosions that took place late February 27 and in the early hours of February 28.

In the late hours of February 27 and early February 28, several explosions took place in districts across Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Explosions occurred in the residential Noord, Oost, and Zuidoost neighborhoods. No casualties have been reported and multiple suspects have been arrested, however authorities warn that disruptions in the vicinity of these explosions could last over the next few days.

Through March in Mexico, anticipate heightened security and large gatherings throughout the country during the election campaign period.

The general election campaign period begins March 1st. Rallies will likely gather at public squares or government institutions and will bring thousands of participants. This will likely exacerbate transportation disruptions due to traffic and higher demand for public transportation. Expect heightened security as candidates are a target to violence.

As of February 21, travelers should take sanitary measures and ensure vaccination against Pertussis due to a spike in cases in the United Kingdom.

Pertussis, also known as the “whooping cough,” has increased significantly throughout the United Kingdom, with over 1,700 cases, primarily affecting highly populated cities like Wales and London. The illness is exacerbated through respiratory droplets and increases in severity from low fever to severe rapid coughs.

Over the coming days, expect significant civil unrest and travel delays in and around New Delhi, India, due to multiple ongoing civil demonstrations by agricultural workers who are converging on the city.

Expect significant disruptions and unrest in and around New Delhi, India, due to demonstrations by agricultural workers. Demonstrations originated in multiple municipalities outside the capital, and are converging there. Security personnel have deployed significant measures to attempt to block protesters from reaching the city, however farmers have threatened to clear any barricades with heavy farming equipment. At least one civilian death has been reported.

On February 13 expect major travel delays and power outages across Victoria Province, Australia, including Melbourne, due to heavy rainstorms.

Severe rainstorms through February 13 have resulted in mass power outages and rail disruptions in Victoria Province, Australia. Flooding and landslides have caused one-half of Loy Yang power station to disconnect from the grid, leaving 500,000 buildings without power. Half of the metropolitan rail lines within the Melbourne area have been suspended due to the loss of power, causing major travel delays.  

Expect significant business and travel disruptions in the Valparaiso Region of Chile in the coming weeks due to ongoing wildfires, which have left at least 112 dead as of February 5, making it the nation’s deadliest disaster since 2010.

Beginning on February 2, wildfires have spread across the coastal mountains of Chile in the Valparaíso Region, northwest of Santiago. As of early February 5, at least 112 people have died and almost 14,000 homes have been impacted by the fires. Weather conditions in the area caused the fires to spread rapidly. Fires currently threaten the edges of popular tourist cities like Vina del Mar and Valparaiso.

Expect major travel disruptions and an increased security presence in and around Paris, France, due to ongoing demonstrations by agricultural unions, including roadblocks, on January 29.

On January 29, the Interior Minister of France announced the mobilization of 15,000 officers to enhance security measures in the wake of mass agricultural protests, dubbed “Operation Paris Siege”. Protesters have utilized vehicles to block parts of the A1, A4, A5, A6, A13, A10, A15, and A16 major motorways around Paris, constricting traffic. Of particular concern for authorities is the Rungis International Food Market, and both of the city’s major airports.


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