Beginning on January 8, a nationwide state of Emergency has been declared in Ecuador due to several prison riots and a general lack of safety in the country, bringing a curfew and significant restrictions to the freedoms of individuals until at least March 8.

Incident Details

On January 8, President Daniel Noboa declared a nationwide state of emergency in Ecuador until March 8 to get a handle on prison riots and organized crime throughout the country. The SOE comes with significant restrictions to the personal freedoms of individuals, including the right to assembly and a curfew from 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM, with exceptions only for essential staff and those with flights during these hours.

Traveler Safety

SafeAbroad travelers are advised to follow any directives from authorities and avoid the vicinity of any prisons. Travelers should carry necessary identification at all times and use situational awareness when traveling. For the most timely updates, monitor the incident via local sources.

Analyst Notes

Security forces have been significantly bolstered in the country in preparation for security operations during the SOE, including mobilizing the armed forces for law enforcement purposes. The restrictions on personal freedoms are the greatest within 1 kilometer of prisons, which will be deemed secure zones by security forces. These prison riots are taking place in the context of a wave of increased violence and organized crime throughout the country, including the assassination of a presidential candidate on August 9. Similar riots have occurred in the past, causing numerous fatalities and large-scale unrest.


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